
Thursday 13 August 2015

Utilising The Word, "How"

By definition,the word," how" is referred to the means by which something is accomplished. The word might sound small, but there is no limit to what it can do.
It refines the imagination, and propels the mind to move in the right direction.
It triggers the senses, to instantly produce ideas on how to come up with the appropriate solution.
But how and when can we start to utilise and take full advantage of the word?
The answer is now.
But first we have to remove negativity and opt for positivity.
We have to eliminate,"Can't" and substitute it with "How".
We have to tell ourselves that, every problem must have a solution.
Tell ourselves that, every mountain can be climbed.
Remember, science was born out of curiosity, hypothesis and experimentation. Scientist quickly understood the magic behind the word, "how" and what they have achieved is a reflection of the power it holds.
They constantly task their brains with questions such as;
How can it be made possible? instead of, it can't be possible.
How can I reach that height? Instead of I can't reach that height.
Eventually their minds produces a kind of catalyst that stimulates the brain to quickly generate ideas. unlike can't that puts the brain to rest.
Today, start by putting," how can" to all your dreams and aspirations and watch the methods and solutions unfold.

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